Privacy Policy

SON Privacy Notice

Customer Commitment to Data Protection and Privacy

Protecting your personal data and privacy is SON's top priority. In this privacy notice, we hope to communicate clearly, concisely and transparently regarding the collection, use, processing, storage and other measures of personal data related to SON customers.

In this Privacy Notice, "Customers of SON" refers to past, current and potential customers or users of products or services provided by Blacklist's affiliated brands, visitors who have visited our official website or store, or our members .

In principle

SON fulfills its commitment to privacy and data protection by adhering to the following principles.

SON uses personal data fairly, lawfully, correctly and transparently.

SON does not collect non-essential personal data, and only for legitimate purposes.

SON does not retain unnecessary material or for longer than necessary.

SON protects personal data through appropriate security measures.

Why do we process your data?

We use and process your personal data when you purchase our products online or in a physical store, visit our website or contact customer service. Personal data includes full name, address, email, phone number, payment information, purchases, order and usage history, IP address, member ID, and other case-related information (for example, information you provide when you contact customer service) .

The purpose of each relevant data processing measure will be told to you below each specific section of this Privacy Notice.

Who is responsible for processing your personal data?

SON is solely responsible for the processing of personal data within the scope of this Privacy Notice. Ensure that customer personal data will not be leaked.

The above SON controllers mentioned in the Privacy Notice, individually or collectively, are referred to as "SON" or "us".

In some cases, third parties such as banks and financial institutions, postal services or electronic communication providers will also be responsible for protecting your data and privacy.

Where do we process your data?

We store the personal data collected from you in Germany. Any activity involving the transfer of your personal data will comply with applicable laws and will not violate your statutory rights.

Who can access your data?

Your personal data may only be used and accessed by those who need to achieve the intended processing purpose. If necessary, SON brands and independent carriers share data with each other (processors and secondary processors) to accomplish specific tasks on SON's behalf.

We reserve the right to transfer any personal data about you in the event of a merger with and acquisition by a third party, other commercial transactions (such as reorganization), or any similar transaction.

What is the legal basis for data processing?

SON cannot collect, process, use, store personal data without a valid legal basis. Legality may be derived from your consent, entering into contracts and legal obligations, or the legitimate interests of our business. For the specific processing purpose of the personal data we have collected from you, we will inform you of the applicable legal basis, what rights you are entitled to exercise, whether the provision of personal data is lawful, or whether a contract is required, and whether it is an obligation to provide personal data , the possible consequences if you choose not to provide.

What rights do you have?

Right of Access: You have the right to request access to the information we hold about your personal data at any time. You can contact SON and SON will provide you with your personal information via email.

Right to Portability: Whenever SON processes your personal data by automated means on the basis of your consent or agreement, you have the right to obtain a copy of the personal data transmitted to you or to another party, the data must be organized, commonly used and machine readable format. This data only includes the personal data you submit to us.

Right to Correction: If your personal data is incorrect, you have the right to request correction of your personal data, and also to request the completion of incomplete personal data. If you have a SON account or membership, you can edit your profile under your own account and membership page.

Right to erasure: You have the right to delete your personal data processed by SON at any time.

Your request may be blocked if any of the following occurs:

* Ongoing issues between you and customer service

*You have open orders that have not been shipped or have been partially shipped